29 April 2019

The Painter and The Angel

A gifted, but obsessed painter meets an angel and is given a life-changing choice. Read J.S.'s short story, The Painter and the Angel , over on The Reaper.

25 April 2019

Pale Fire

Fifty years after the first moon landing, The Frogmore Press is pleased to announce that Pale Fire, an anthology of new writing on the subject of the Moon, will be published on 31 May 2019.

It will feature new work and some new translations of classic poems by more than 60 poets, including George Szirtes, Ruth Aylett, Fiona Moore, Patrick Widdess and a new poem by J.S. Watts. It is edited by Alexandra Loske and illustrated with paintings of the Moon by Fergus Hare.

15 April 2019

Dead Certainty

In The Reaper J.S. explores the Dead Certainty of life as a poem.

8 April 2019

Editing Galore - May Writers' Club

In Bishop's Stortford the first Sunday in May...

1 April 2019

Questions I Don't Like Answering Part VI

No, this isn't an April Fool. This is the sixth and penultimate guest post in the blog series I'm writing for Meier Writers.

This month it's the turn of the often repeated question, "What do you think of my writing?"

To find out my thoughts on what I consider to be a rather painful question go here