
Thank you to all the following who have accepted my work (poems, short stories and reviews) both now and in the past:

  • Abandoned Towers
  • Abergavenny Small Press
  • Absent Willow Review
  • Acumen
  • Algebra of Owls
  • The Amphibian
  • Ascent Aspirations
  • Aphelion
  • Atlantean Publishing
  • Awen

  • BBC Radio Somerset
  • Beir Bua
  • Bete Noire
  • Bewildering Stories
  • Beyond Science Fiction
  • Black Lawrence Press
  • Blue Nib
  • Big Pulp
  • Bolts of Silk
  • Book of Love and Loss Anthology
  • Bradbury Quarterly
  • Breakroom Stories
  • Brittle Star

  • Carillon
  • Centrifugal Eye
  • Clockwise Cat
  • Cover of Darkness
  • Countryside Tales

  • Dandelion
  • Danse Macarbre
  • Dark Alley Press
  • Dark Fire Fiction
  • Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine
  • DARK THINGS II: Cat Crimes (Charity Anthology)
  • Dark Horizons
  • The Dawntreader
  • Dempsey & Windle  - Poetry Pamphlet:"The Submerged Sea"
  • The Dread Machine
  • Dream of Shadows
  • Dreams and Nightmares

  • Eight Cuts Gallery: Once Upon a Time in a Gallery Exhibition
  • EMG-Zine
  • Envoi
  • Ethereal Tales

  • Fantastique Unfettered
  • Fenland Poetry Journal
  • Fenland Reed
  • Fictionette
  • Fifth Dimension
  • First Edition
  • Five Poetry Journal
  • Flint
  • Freshwater
  • Frogmore Papers
  • Frogmore Press

  • Genius Floored: Alphabet of Days Anthology
  • Glass Cases and Curios Anthology

  • Haiku to F*ck to An Anthology
  • Hand+Star
  • Hanging by Threads Anthology
  • Headstand on Cambridge 105
  • Hecate
  • The High Window

  • Iceberg Tales
  • Idle Ink
  • Illumen
  • Impspired
  • In Between Hangovers
  • In Other Words Anthology
  • Incandescent
  • Infinity Wanderers
  • Ink Sac
  • Ink Stains Anthology, Vol 1
  • Ink Stains Anthology, Vol 6 (Guest Editor)
  • Ink Stains Anthology, Vol 10
  • Ink, Sweat and Tears

  • The Journal

  • Kings of the Realm: a dragon anthology

  • The Lake
  • Lamplight
  • Lapwing Publications  - Poetry Collection:"Cats and Other Myths" 
  •                                    - Poetry Pamphlet:"Songs of Steelyard Sue"
  •                                    - Poetry Collection: "Years Ago You Coloured Me"
  •                                    - Poetry Collection "Underword"
  • Latchkey Tales
  • Lies, Dreaming
  • The Literary Commune 
  • The Literary Hatchet      
  • Liquid Gold Anthology
  • Liquid Imagination
  • London Grip
  • Lorelei Signal
  • Lothlorien Poetry Journal
  • Lucent Dreaming
  • Lunar Poetry

  • Metazen
  • Midwest Literary Magazine
  • Mirror Dance
  • Mistress
  • Monkey Kettle
  • Morpheus Tales
  • morphrog
  • Mslexia
  • Murky Depths

  • Napalm and Novocain
  • Neon
  • New Myths
  • A New Ulster
  • Nightingale and Sparrow - Nevermore
  • Niteblade

  • Obsessed With Pipework
  • Open Wide
  • Orbis

  • Peeking Cat
  • Penumbric
  • Petals in the Pan Anthology
  • Picaroon Poetry
  • Plasma Frequency
  • Poems For Peace Anthology
  • Poetry and Audience
  • Poetry Ireland Review
  • Poetry Monthly
  • Poetry Monthly International
  • Poetry Plus
  • Poetry Quarterly
  • Poetry Salzburg
  • Poetry Village
  • Point Positive Publishing
  • Polluto
  • Polu Texni
  • Popshot Magazine
  • Prospice
  • Psychic Meatloaf - Journal of Contemporary Poetry

  • Raconteur
  • The Reaper
  • The Recusant
  • The Rejected Quarterly

  • Sabotage Reviews
  • San Pedro River Review
  • Scarlet Leaf Review
  • Sea Magic
  • Serendipity
  • The Seventh Quarry
  • Shadows and Teeth (Darkwater Syndicate)
  • Shit Creek Review
  • Shoreline of Infinity
  • Silver Birch Press
  • Silver Blade
  • Small Word
  • SNM Horror
  • Solarcide
  • Strange Fictions Zine
  • Streetcake
  • Survision
  • Sylvia Magazine

  • Tales From The Moonlit Path
  • Tandem
  • Thirst
  • Three Drops From a Cauldron
  • Three Minute Plastic
  • Toasted Cheese
  • Twisted Tongue

  • The Ugly Tree

  • Vagabondage Press - "A Darker Moon" (a novel)
  •                                   - "Witchlight" (a novel)
  •                                   - "Old Light" (a novel)
  •                                   - "Elderlight" (a novel)
  • View From Atlantis
  • The View From Here
  • Visionary Tongue

  • The Warwick Review
  • The Washington Pastime
  • We Are All Japan Anthology
  • Weirdbook Magazine
  • Wells Literary Festival
  • Welsh Poetry Competition and Anthology
  • Wild Genus - a Pressfuls Collection
  • Women in Poetry Anthology
  • Women's Work Anthology
  • Words For Wide Skies Anthology
  • Worlds Within Worlds Beyond
  • Writer's Cafe Magazine
  • Writers' Magazine

  • J.S.Watts reading at the launch of the eightcuts gallery's 'Once upon a time in a Gallery' exhibition - January 2011